Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of sight loss in the United Kingdom. Affecting the central vision, it makes seeing fine details such as reading very difficult or almost impossible. Through the development of the E-Scoop lens, there is hope for sufferers of AMD whose sight has deteriorated through this condition (or other macular diseases). The new lenses look like no other spectacle lens. The unique curve, thickness, prism, colour and coating could bring improvement to your vision.
How Does E-Scoop Work?
The E-Scoop lens is a patented spectacle lens which is developed around the following optical features:
- The thickness and curve of the lens ensures a magnification of 6% for distance.
- The prismatic effect of the lens causes the light to reflect to a different part of the macula, that of higher quality.
- The base of the prism is up, because research shows that the lower part of the macula generally suffers the most damage. So get the image shifted upwards to a healthier part of the macula.
- The yellow colour provides more contrast and a reduction of the sensitivity for daylight and sunlight.
- The anti-reflection coating helps to reduce glare.
Who is the E-Scoop Lens designed for?
The E-scoop lens is principally developed for people with macular degeneration. The beneficial effect of E-scoop spectacles will be experienced at every stage of macular degeneration, despite the progressive character of this condition. However, the E-Scoop lens can also assist people suffering from reduced vision, caused by glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and retinitis pigmentosa.
The lenses can give you:
- Partial recovery of your central vision
- Reduction of your sensitivity to light and glare
- Better recognition of details
- Improved contrast
- Improved depth perception
What can the E-scoop lens offer me when I have macular degeneration?
- Partial recovery of a part of the central vision
- Reduction of the light sensitivity for day and night
- Better recognition of details, contrast and depth
- How does the E-scoop lens work?
- The E-scoop lens moves the image on your damaged part of the macula to the healthier part of the macula, helping to improve your vision when suffering from macular degeneration.
An individual consultation is required to assess the suitability for each client in regards to E-Scoop lenses. For more information and to book your consultation, contact our practice via or on 02079352124.